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© (2019) WEBMINO Inc. Modern efficient high security cloud-based software solutions design and development. | Français |
All of the accouting modules can be customized to suit your business needs.
ADMINO+ is « cloud-based SAAS » (software as a service)
What you get for your money - Comparative view with the same options (2025 price)
Try it free for 30 days, no fees, no commitment.
Once in your trial account, you can subscribe at any moment. Accepted payments: - PAYPAL or credit card - INTERACT E-Check - Postal check (annual only) |
Software terms of use |
4 versions of ADMINO+ subscriptions are available |
Business+ est la version standard du logiciel.
All the necessary options (and much more!) for accounting management and operations management for your business. You will find all the essential options. 3 types of invoicing, orders, quotes and more rental items and recurring billing contracts. Among the included functions: Work orders, payroll system, direct deposit, T4, R1 and employment statements, tax remittances, salary and financial statements. You will also have a suite of modern analysis and statistical tools that facilitate and enable rapid decision-making for your business. |
Service+ is a specialized version for service workshops.
All the necessary options (and much more!) for the accounting management of your service workshop operations. You will find almost the same essential options as AFFAIRES+ except that the menu is organized to favor service. Among the additional options you will find the options of service forms to fill out, the multiple types of work orders, the automatic association of forms and prices and the visual service histories and analyses. |
Clinic+ is a specialized version for care clinics or beauty salons.
All the necessary options (and much more!) for accounting management and the management of your clinic or salon operations. You will find all the options of AFFAIRES+, but in addition to specialized patient/client files, online or telephone appointment booking, a dashboard and post-treatment monitoring. You will have exclusive functions such as detailed client records for either hair color recipes, patient dental or medical records, prescriptions, etc. You will be able to configure appointment schedules, block periods or days, assign rooms or perform simultaneous treatments. You will be able to automatically bill your treatments. You will have the email or text message reminder system for your patients/clients, the online client file with reprinting of receipts, etc. |
Accounting/Enterprise+ is like the standard version of the software but with 99 companies and/or 99 users.
All the necessary options (and much more!) for accounting management and operations management for your business. You will find all the essential options. 3 types of invoicing, orders, quotes and more rental items and recurring billing contracts. Among the included functions: the payroll system, direct deposit, T4, R1 and employment statements, tax remittances, salary and financial statements. You will also have work orders and the service component BUT WITHOUT the service forms to fill out and the visual service histories and analysis. |
ADMINO+ is developped on the WEBMINO administrative high security platform.
Now in its 8th generation, WEBMINO is a mature, well proven system accessible by any device on the web.
This software platform shell can quickly transform to any adminstrative tool required by your business. A complete suite of tools available to suit your needs. The customer service portal allows your customers to connect to your business online for orders or payments. Minimal costs for maintenance and expansion. Security and integrity of your data is paramount. Created by François Yelle, developper for the WEBMINO Inc. software company, the WEBMINO plateform is the result of more than 20 years of research and experience in multiple fields of activity. Builders of software since 1989 for more than 3000 companies, we were inspired by the internet in 2001 and began developping WEBMINO as a software platform. It was first released in 2004 during its 2nd generation. |
A could based SaaP/SaaS means no application or software is installed on the workstation or device. A simple browser (Internet Explorer, Safari, Firefox, etc...) is all that is required. Any web capable device (tablet or phone) can connect to the system. Moreover, no data remains on the workstation. Added security in case of theft or fire. |
For support or question about the software: | Please send your enquiries by e-mail. |